Today the civil twilight shines hope in developing an analytical mind. Peoples' careers and traditional ideas of working environments are changed by technology. The traditional resume and cover letter are no longer the only representation a person should present to a potential employer. Network and show your value. Analyze your abilities and create an illustration to showcase them. Artists have used portfolios for years, but people who choose different careers should create a short presentation or formulate a short analysis of what they offer as a negotiation with a potential employer. For example, a data analyst could look at public data sets and creatively showcase the trends and anomalies of the data. If you are an administrative assistant, what research can you find on your chosen career and find a value that makes you more marketable? Would the company benefit from an administrator that can set up a Smartsheet to account for office supply and orders that produce a report that can be pulled at any time to show that line item in the overall budget? Network, analyze, and leverage your social media-your personal brand.
Do your research, know your goals, and relay exactly what you bring to the table.