Complaint Department at the Water Cooler

December 5, 2020

How many places have we worked or tried to work where the unofficial complaint department was spear headed by the least likely person? It's human to be frustrated from time to time, but what is the healthy outlet? What capacity can a co worker make a change in the office breakdown? How is trust fostered? Picture the middle aged humble man with an obvious talent for his trade but can't communicate that he is the subject matter expert and it works like this or not at all. Instead he chooses to add his constant complaints to co workers. Awkward. In today's working environment it doesn't seem to be enough to be the expert, emotional intelligence has to be the most important skill to develop. Instead of receiving complaints or just walking away, ask how as a working team this can be resolved. Easier said than done, but worth the time to help yourself and a co worker grow emotionally.

Who has had to endure the continual complaints of a co worker?