People who can understand and manage their own emotions and influence the behavior and emotions of others are said to be emotionally intelligent. People with this trait generally are not self-centered, but productive and driven. They are excellent leaders because they have a level of disciplined self-awareness of their communication skills and the ability to manage relationships to attract a complementary team around them. An example would be Abraham Lincoln. He went against the grain with emancipation, suspending habeas corpus, and refusing to punish the Confederacy. An example of a manager that does not have this trait would ask for a special application in a tool to be built, ignore needed additional information, and after letting it sit blows up in one meeting and throws sub-subordinates and co-workers under the bus because it was not completed within a timeframe that was never specified. Managers are captains of the ship and are responsible for everything they manage including people. They are the ultimate failure if plans do not come to fruition with a lack of morale.Who has worked for emotionally intelligent and or emotionally immature bosses?