Never in our history has a vote been of such importance. It is not a vote for a like or dislike of a person, but a like or dislike of a platform. Vote, but vote for the principles of the platform. Do not rely on mainstream media, but examine and search what the parties really support and what you believe in your heart as a citizen. This vote will profoundly change the course of this country's history and what this country does has an impact on the rest of the nations. Are we a country to have the freedom to be prosperous with the rights under the Constitution of the United States of America? Do we want a nation that wants justice returned to our Supreme Court? Or are we moving on a different path? This vote this year is that pivotal in our divided nation. So vote, but take it seriously and really examine your thoughts and your heart and vote. What happens in politics will change the dynamics of business, careers, commerce, and the future. So yes, as a CEO, an engineer, a small business owner, an for your professional future and personal convictions.